Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

hari nie cukup la 9 hari saya berada di KIPSAS dengan permulaan sem 5 yg baik ....syukur kehadrat Illahi....
hari nie xbanyak kelas pon sebenarnye...ade lam 2 klas je..sbb 2 la bleyh mencoret serta mengasah bakat dlm bdg ngarut mengarut  nie...heehehehehehhe..
xla...scr jujurnya  tujuan saya menulis nie cz sy sgt suke serta gembira dengan 1 klas hari nie..iaiu kelas Cik Sa'adiah. beliau merupakan pensyarah saya lam subjek BAHASA KEBANGSAAN A... saya sangat teruja ngn kelas 2 cz klas 2 klas bhs...saya suke bdg bhs..wlaupn ianya agak membosankan bg plajar2 lain tp x bg saya...cz ssgguhnya bahasa  Melayu nie ckup indah...walaupn xdpt mnandingi bhs Al-Quran tp sedar x sedar bhs MELAYU 2 sndri ade tempat dimata dunia...serOnOk rsenyew..dulu mase skOlah menengah pOn sy mrupkn slh sOwg ahli  bg kelab bhs melayu...pnh wakil skOlah lam petandingn fOrum, pantun dan lain2...
dalam bnyk2 pngalaman, pertandingan pantun pling best skali..hehehehehe....cz msew 2 saye fOrm 4(16 thun) Vs Kolej Islam Phg Sultan Ahmad Shah,diman tmpt sy blaja skrg...alhamdulillah pd msew 2 kipsas kecundang...hehehehehe...xsangke jgk msew 2 bjya kalahkn seniOr2 kIpsas skrg...nOw kt kipsas saye da xaktif mcm kt skOlah dlu2...yes saye smmgnye ahli kelab bhs melayu dcini tp xaktif pOn...*sadis tOl kn* entahlah apew sbbnyew...na kate malu pn bkn..na kate xmalu pn bkn...na kate.kate.kate..katakanlahhhhhhhhh!!huhuhuhu...(p/s: tlg jgn emosi dcnie)
tp malangnya sekarang mampu x bhs Melayu bsaing dan bergerak seiiring dgn bhs Inggeris pd zaman nie..mner xnye org melayu sndri pn ckp "mat salleh"..hehehehe...mmg xslah pn ckp "org putih"...sO bOleh jew trus kn style msg2...jgn kate saye ni anti-english da laa...
 saya cume terfikir2 mcm Cik Sa'adiah ckp la: bhs Melayu pnh jd bhs perantaraan pd 1 ketika dlu..pd zaman kesultanan melayu Melaka...dlu bhs Melayu nie trut digunakan di KAHERAH,COMBAY dan lain2 lg la...skrg hampir seme owg gne bhs inggeris kn?
 ermmm...  xpew la saye rse sronok je blaja bhs kebangsaan nie...hope A+ tOk subjek nie..dan rsew na taw bnyk lg tntg keistimewaan bhs ibunda ni...

to Cik Sa'adiah terima kasih bnyk2 kerana sudi mngajar pelajar2 JABATAN SYARIAH DAN UNDANG2 SEM5 subjek nie....

Monday, March 14, 2011

CESS anual dinner [ theme : maSQUerade ]

Should coffee be considered as a healthy fOod??

I)             INTRODUCTION

Coffee comes from coffee plant which is produced coffee beans or seeds. Coffee bean also known or call as coffee barriers. Actually, coffee beans has been roasted as a first process on produced coffee as food or else. Historians trace coffee origin to Ethiopia that is grows wild in the rain forest in Ethiopia. According to them, a legend says that more than a thousand years ago, warriors going off to battle would wrap the coffee beans in animal fat and take them along to help fight fatigue. Some of the last century, Ethiopians who conquered and ruled Yemen introduced the bean to the Arab world. After that, there are seeds of coffee barriers that grow on trees in over 70 countries, cultivated primarily in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa. In medicinal qualities were priced when the doctors prescribed it as an aid to feeling good. They considered coffee to be healthy. In history on Wikipedia, the uses of coffee also famous among the intelligent people such as scholars and artists could work all night while chewing on the berries. It was around the sixteenth century that the principle of roasting beans and adding them to boiling water to make a beverage was established in Arabia. The preparation of coffee soon became a secular ceremony. The coffeehouse was established in Mecca for those who liked to sip, talk and listen to music. Wine was forbidden to Muslim's so coffee became central to a man's day. Coffee often use as a drinking in breakfast. Besides water and tea nowadays, coffee is one of the most popular drinking in the world. Based on facts, coffee just not a valuable plant for the economies as a side income for the country but also it can works as healthy food in our life. As coffee contains the stimulant caffeine, it is necessary that we know the disadvantages as well as the positive effects of consuming coffee. According to the USDA nutrient database, 8 cups of coffee that is brewed from grounds has just 2 amounts of calories. The calories come from a tiny amount of protein and some unsaturated oils. Sometimes a really bad coffee can be due to the oils in it becoming rancid or bad smelly which means this often occurs from dark roasted beans which cause a subsequent release of oils if the beans are stored for a long time. Here we can conclude coffee beans mix by water is virtually calorie free. Coffee should be considered as a healthy food because coffee can save life and reduce death, decrease potential of getting the serious diseases, and can fixed our physically and mentality.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


salam semua...
sbnrnyer sy da xtaw na tulih apew enta kt cnie...hal ini tjdi kerana sy sgguh xtaw na uat pe..ermm..
tOk memulakan stowey sal ape yg sy lalui spnjg mggu nie...isnin-jumaat sy klas full mcm bse
jumaat mkm around pas isyk mcm 2 blik umah..then tamat la cter sy...kihkihkhihkih....k la..
ciez k..
1st sy na ucpkan sykur alhamdulillah kehadrat Ilahi kerna kazen sy akhrnyer pulang dgn slamat kew Mesia stlh tjdnya reformasi di Kaherah,Mesir...ermmm..gpOn sy brase sgguh bbsar hati cz da pOn pg mlawat dye
smlm drumahnye...n dye pOn nmpk hppy jer..uat sementara die akn sambung
tingkatan 4 dye kt sma irsyad...sO xla rse ktinggalan sgt tOk ambik SPM nnt..
tahniah tOk beliau k...
dsebabkan sy brsew sgguh bOsan n mmbOsankn diri sy lalu sy mngmbil lgkah yg slamt 
tOk mngelakkan dri sy drpd trus melalut sO sy trus mmbuat kn aksi2 yg kuwang sOpan ini..
jOM tngOk!!!
bulatkn mate spye trlindung eyebeg...kuang4
pnat mehhhhh!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Assalamualaikum wbt......
bOsan bler da blik kOlej nie...xtaw na uat per da....
stdy???ahahahaha..nOt my type stdy awl..lam erti kter laen haku nie pmals gler owgnyer....
na msg ngn jantung atieku but he's very bz la...yewla dye cbOk ngn test2 da...haku??
haaa...ak ngn tny laa...test da setel b4 cuti ryer cina lg tppp asgmnt OMG bnyk gler xbuat lg...
uat awl2 pOn anta kner ikOt trikh gak...td ade presentation bi...waaa...
Alhamdulillah ak da uat yg tbaik n hrp mrkh pOn yg tbaik la jgk dr miss....mwahhxxx!!
i loikeee english sbject....argghhhhh....blurr la da xtaw na bceloteh aper kt blog nie...cz asyk haku sOwg jer yg tkantang kanting bsame blog nie....hubby???hubby??
where r u dear??
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tgk la btape haku mmbOsankn driku....waaaaaaaaaaa

Friday, February 4, 2011

pinky watch


sy Asfarihan bt Jaafar 910421035926 piD09081 ingin membuat pngakuan secara ikhlas dan jujur dmner sy brase sgt gumbira apabila stlah skian lame xngap rOti jOhn akhrnye mlm nie alhamdulillah dpt jgk mkn fveret sy 2...tQ 2 mcik yg uat rOti 2 n credit 4 my jantung atie cz sudi mghntar rOti 2 kerumah sy....
rOti 2 da pOn sy abiskn..hehehe..tp sbnrnye bkn na ckp sal rOti sgt pOn sbnrnye na cter sal my new watch..skali lg jantung atie sy uat supriseeee!!(ala2 tkejut g2)ahahakk...
Muhammad Iqbal membelikan sy watch yg chantek n swit mcm gule2 cz dye wrne pink..which is my fveret kaler mehh...sukenyer!!2x(smbil tlOmpat2).....thanx awk...awk sker belikn sy mcm hadiah wlaupun sy slalu skitkn atie awk..maaf 4 dat part k..but I LOVE U So MUCH DEAR!!!! mwahhxxx3x!!iyyyaaarrgghhh!!
maaf aksi nie hny dbnrkan kpd mereka yg berumur 18thn n abOve k....
tik tOk..tik tOk atie ku teruje...hehehehe..;p

lOve u toO

pinky watch..i loiikeee!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

dOa tOk sdare di Mesir

sbnrnyew ssh atie sgt+wsau sgt ngn kdaan kt Mesir..yela skunk ngh rusuhan..bkn apew sy sgt kcian ngn plaja2 dr negara lain yg tpkse mghdapi semenye kt Mesir trutama plajar M'sia laa...da la jauh dr fmly msing..fmly kt M'sia nie lak mst btmbh runsing ngn anak2/sahabat2/adk-bradik..dll yg ade kt cner...*cehhh*ak lak yg tnjuk prihatin lak..mcm xkne jew ngn sifat ak nie..hipOkrit kit xpew kn??sab2 sOi la tauke...~ngee~(ak pOn xphm)...ak sbnrnyer wsau jer ngn kdaan sepu2 ak kt cner...dyer 2 da la xpndai sgt na bdikari..pmalu lak 2..(mewarisi prangai ak) :p...tOk ndiah yg ade kt Kaherah smOga kamOo fine jer kt cne..tp yg cdeyh nyer dsbbkn ak sOwg yg rpt ngn nadiah ak plak la jd mgsew as a reporter lam umh nie tntg kdaan plaja2 Mesir..trutama kdaan spupu ku yg ku sygngi Nadiah...~huwmmm:)) arie2 la ak akn update crita cz sbg senjata bila ditanya Oleh ma2...."adek, nadiah xsend mail kt adek kO??xde ma2..mgkin dowg xdpt na kOntek lg kOt cz kdaan kt cner kn xstabil lg..."2 la persOalan yg slalu jew ditanya...same jgk ngn bkal adek ipar ku kt cnew..insya'allah...hOpe kOwg sntiase lam plindungn Allah SWT....(terutama nadiah n luqman)
neway..let raise up Our hands and prays 4 thOse in Mesir nOw...smOga kamoO seme senantiasa dlm plindunganNYA n djauhi sgale bencana ataw kmudharatan...AMIN YA RABBAL'ALAMIN...